Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Going potty

Malia is learning to pee on demand. This however, is not to be confused with toilet training. A toilet trained child will recognize the signals her body is sending to her brain and duly make her way to the bathroom, where she will remove whatever clothing is standing in the way of successfully consigning her bodily waste into the proper receptacle, be it a toilet, potty, or heating vent in the bathroom floor.

Malia however, is learning to pee when I ask her to. This process starts with me asking her if she "has to pee", and generally she will answer in the affirmative. Together, we will peel off her clothing and already-sodden diaper. Then, with a look of obvious delight (she knows she has my full attention) she will ascend the single step to her throne. And it is from that lofty vantage point that she will rule my day.

I'll say no more. If you've potty trained a child, you know what I mean. If you never have, you can probably do it 10x better than I can. And if you are in the midst of toilet training your child, I wish you every success.


  1. Is the second picture saying "I have to go" or "feels funny down my leg!"??

  2. We are loving our diapers still. The girls are anxious to haul out the potty...not mama! Carter couldn't care.

  3. Love the photo's and your post! Keep on blogging! :)
